The MITESOL Messages is a biannual newsletter.
New issues are typically published on February 15th and August 15th.
Submissions should be:
1. Short (up to 1500 words)
2. Current and rather informal (not too academic, but well-organized)
3. Related to research, experiences teaching ESL/EFL, possible lesson plans, current or hot topics, issues or trends, book reviews, countries visited...
Your submission should be saved as an .rtf or word document and be sent via e-mail attachment to
Please put "MITESOL Newsletter Submission" in the e-mail subject line. Clip art or other illustrations may be submitted along with articles. For ease of editing, include contact information about the author (full name, institutional affiliation, e-mail address, and phone number) and a short author bio in the text of the document.
Thank you!
Kristin Homuth
MITESOL Messages Editor